
CDP Insights Video Series: Transforming Data into Action

Empower yourself to get the most out of CDP Insights with training videos designed to guide you through specific reports, essential functionalities, and step-by-step instructions to help maximize your experience. Dive in and learn at your own pace!


The Power of Peer Station Comparison: Benchmarking with ROAR+ 

See how your fundraising performance compares to other Public Media Organizations (PMOs) so you can: 

  • Understand where you rank against all other stations and within your cohort on 150+ metrics. 

  • See how you’ve trended against any metric over the past 5 years. 

  • Quickly compare year-over-year growth in key metrics to the trends of the system. 

Benchmarking and Discovery: Passport Engagement 

Better define your Passport plans by gaining insight on donor engagement and value. 

ROAR+ & Passport 

  • Streaming Opportunities and Actions Report (SOAR) 

  • Executive Passport Summary

Sherlock & PBS Passport 

  • Passport Engagement Funnel 

  • Donor File Trends (covered in Sherlock section) 

Uncover Your Unique Opportunities: Trend Analysis with Sherlock 

Dive deep into your donor file using multiple data sets so you can: 

  • Compare channel performance and optimize donor acquisition and retention strategies.

  • Analyze the demographic profile of your donors to refine campaign strategies.

  • Contextualize your donors' geographic locations to enhance cultivation, retention, stewardship, and recruitment efforts.

Still have questions? Reach out to and we'll be happy to help!