CDP Insights Video Series: Transforming Data into Action
Empower yourself to get the most out of CDP Insights with training videos designed to guide you through specific reports, essential functionalities, and step-by-step instructions to help maximize your experience. Dive in and learn at your own pace!
The Power of Peer Station Comparison: Benchmarking with ROAR+
See how your fundraising performance compares to other Public Media Organizations (PMOs) so you can:
Understand where you rank against all other stations and within your cohort on 150+ metrics.
See how you’ve trended against any metric over the past 5 years.
Quickly compare year-over-year growth in key metrics to the trends of the system.
Benchmarking and Discovery: Passport Engagement
Better define your Passport plans by gaining insight on donor engagement and value.
ROAR+ & Passport
Streaming Opportunities and Actions Report (SOAR)
Executive Passport Summary
Sherlock & PBS Passport
Passport Engagement Funnel
Donor File Trends (covered in Sherlock section)
Uncover Your Unique Opportunities: Trend Analysis with Sherlock
Dive deep into your donor file using multiple data sets so you can:
Compare channel performance and optimize donor acquisition and retention strategies.
Analyze the demographic profile of your donors to refine campaign strategies.
Contextualize your donors' geographic locations to enhance cultivation, retention, stewardship, and recruitment efforts.